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Everything is Roses…and Gold

Introducing a brand new special edition from Club Car: The Sunrise.

Our NEW Premium Matte Rose Gold custom paint adds a touch of class to your exciting new Onward.

Sunrise comes in 2 & 4 Passenger configurations with either the lithium or the brand new Lithium Extended Range battery options.

Premium Custom “Cool Touch” black seats with a brand new stitch pattern and debossed “Onward” seat backs ensure this special edition stands apart from the pack.

Our weather-resistant locking glovebox not only keeps your items safe and secure but also protects them from rain, dust, and debris.

Wherever you go, the sleek and stylish Pewter Perforated Metal Grille Inserts will make your Onward stand out.

To top it off, our Special Edition decal makes sure there’s no mistake: this Onward is custom-built for the best.

Available in 2 passenger and lifted 4 passenger models with HP Lithium-Ion or Club Car’s new HP Extended Range Lithium-Ion power-trains.

Available with a wide array of optional Club Car accessories to make it truly yours. 

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The Sunrise Special Edition includes Machined Athena wheels (12” or 14”) with either Kruiser (12”) or Morpheus (14”) Tires to make sure everything from the top to the bottom shines brightly!

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Rising above the rest! Featuring an Onward 1.5 cowl, canopy strut covers, and exclusively on the 4 Passenger models, a front fender flare kit and powder coated brushguard, The Sunrise will surely shine brighter than the competition.

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Vehicles shown with optional equipment. See dealer for complete accuracy of features, options & pricing.

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